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The powerful healing – Die kraffftvolle Heilung
12 500 Ft
Erika Krafft:
She is an expert in international accountig and tax law, head of consulting and accounting firms, yoga and Qi Gong instructor, great mother and last but not least: cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with malignant breast cancer in 2021. From the moment of diagnosis to the gateway to recovery and beyond, Erika put it all down on paper and her book ‘Die kraffftvolle Heilung’ was born. Her aim is to share her experiences, thoughts, fears and joys with her fellow sufferers, as well as all the practices she used on the road to recovery.In her book, she places great emphasis on healing the body and soul and the use of alternative therapies alongside oncological treatments.
The expertise necessary for the patiens is explained on an understandable and simple way by Horváth József.
The oncology section was checked and proofread by Dr. Róbert Nagy